All about places

These places and people are part of environments that I feel comfortable in and around. Some of these places have provoked interesting experiences.  All, of course, carry  meanings and memories (for me).  Physical and hybrid spaces are not just contextual, but an elemental aspect of the ways our bodies and minds are connected in creating memories and meanings.


home place with western sunlight







In the winter of 1993 I was sent to Siberia to work with the coal miners' union.  This is me in the landscape

In the winter of 1993 I was sent to Siberia to work with the coal miners’ union. This is me in the landscape


sunset over Skagen, Denmark

Sunset over Skagen, Denmark;  The book I co-edited called “Design at Work”, [1991] was begun in workshops in this place of great light and a history of artists workshops.

Cyborg with tools; photo by Kimon Kerimedas; halo by DC hospital after my neck was broken

Cyborg with tools; photo by Kimon Kerimedas; halo by DC hospital after my neck was broken in Nov 2004; photo taken in my apartment months later in 2005